Create a website with multiple pages and 4 pages of magazine with images for brief 2.   

My media products will be aimed at general audiences who are into cars or into cars photographer, car videos. I want to appeal to both gender male and female demographic with a suitable content form the age 10-28. I want this product to act that its inspirating and motivating others when they look at my products. To get the resources I need to create this website and magazine is to use primary research such as taking photos, videos which therefore completing the requirements for brief 2. For the photos that’s going to be used, I would go to a car meet or even car dealership to get all the photos for the requirement of my brief 2.    


For my website, the first page would be the home page, where I meet my requirements, such as having an original title and logo, a menu for the site (navigation bar) and other social media link and many more requirement. With the home page, I'm going to make 2 more pages like the gallery page for all the photos that’s been taking and possible a review page for the audience to interact with each other and to give feedback to the photos. When creating these 3 pages, I'm leaning towards a more simplistic design where the audience understand what they are clicking at. All the pages would be hyperlinks that way it's easier to navigate towards something you want to see. The colour scheme for the website and its pages would basic standard colours (just as white background and black texts) that way viewers can read the text clearer and not struggle while reading it. 


When I'm making the logo, I will try to make it so its gender neutral that way gender can't discriminate how the logo is represented to one sided. It would be the same for all pages with different colour background and texts / fonts.  The texts and the title will be in bold and clear which then it could be easily read by audiences and possibly a colour that stands out from the background which could make it clearer to read.  


Once I finished my website, I would need to complete 4 pages of a magazine covering the same topic for my website but with a whole different image. For the magazine part I would like to sick with the same logo design and everything else except from the car images, for that reason is why I need to take a lot of photos. The font on the magazine would be bold, standout and use of unique colours to make themself more differentiate to others. 

