Website Update 0.2


Website Update:

- New Title / Logo Design

- Changed the colour of the active tab

- Added footer and made transparent

I have updated the home page slightly so it can link with my brief case requirements, the features I added was the hover affect over the main image, it allows audience to hover over the image and able to see the car behind in more details. The reason why I did this because it can engage with the audience looking at this website, instead of looking at an image and move on to the next page. I also added the footer feature as it was required on my brief specification. 

As soon I finished the home page and meet the brief requirement, I then move into the main page which was the car page where I list information about cars. For the first thing I did was enter all the information in one page from my plan,when I first started doing this brief. While in the mean time, I took some photos of some cars that could go on this website as an overall general used cars. Once I have added all the information that is needed to be on the page, I started working on the style of the layout and making it look nice.

So what I've did here was set the background colour to black because I think it fits very well with the current image that is showing right now and that it matches with the title and text. It makes the very bold and stands which allows users to read and understand better on what they are looking at. The fonts I used on this page is "Myriad" with a present class as "bold", which allows the me to attract a user attentions towards this page. I used the colour white because it goes well with the colour black which is quite modern style for this page and its very minimalist which makes the whole page looks nice and unique.
