Magazine Front Cover

 Magazine Front Cover

First thing I did was making sure that I had the correct magazine size before doing anything since it was in my brief requirements. Once I have found out the correct size and dimension for the magazine, I then started to import the image I was going to use for the front cover which was this black Yaris GTR. After that I wanted to blend the image into the background so that its smooth and it tells the audience / viewer what the main focus of that image when looking at the front cover of the magazine. The reason why I choose a black background with a black JDM car is because I went it to be similar to my website theme as its a requirements I have to do on my brief. 

After blending the car into the background, I started adding the texts, such as the magazine brand name, the genre type of the magazine and lastly the topic of the magazine will be based on. When adding the texts into the magazine, I had to choose so its meets my brief requirements that its bold and clear so when audience come to see it they will able to read it clearly without needing to move closer to the magazine to read texts. As for that I went with the font "Myriad Pro" in a style of "Bold" because its meets with my brief requirements for clean and easy to read if seen far away. Then I went for the colour white because it looks good with a black theme page and its stands out compare to the elements that is currently on the page.

Then to make my magazine cover more a magazine cover I have added more pictures that is related to the topic, for an example I had close up photos from the side of the car which I could use onto this cover because its related to the main picture on the cover, with close up photos the audience is able to see the main car features in more details without needing to go on the internet and search for the car model and go through that long process. Adding those photos also meet with my brief requirements where it says "Main cover image and at least two further smaller images related to the content of the magazine" which these photos are related to the main cover image. To make the photos look nice and better, I have added the grey section on top of the main cover but not too much that audience cant see the car image probably, the reason why I did this is because it makes the overall magazine look unique and stands out compare to other car magazine out there. But made the title of the genre which is "Car" and the magazine name "CARPLUS +" on top of the grey section because I wanted the audience to see what topic is magazine is on about it and allows they to have better understanding what they are buying, which therefore wont cause any misunderstanding when they brought this magazine.

After that I went back on my brief requirements and checked what I needed to add in and saw "Selling line • Dateline • At least five cover lines." which then I started coming up with some phrases for the cover lines that is related towards this magazine. For the selling line I had to make it short and effect so that the audience would be interested to buy this magazine. Then for the dateline, I have putted it on the date when I created this magazine cover which was in January 2022. With one of the cover line being a quote where I thought it would nice to add as its used to make this cover more effective as like Prince Philp approve this magazine before being released to the public.

When I finished adding the selling line, dateline and the five cover lines; I went on adding some magazine conventions such as the price tag so that the audience would know how much this magazine would cost, and also adding the bar code so that it can scan when buying this magazine. The bar code allows the audience to identify what type the product is and it can associate with the country where the manufacturer's business is based at. After that I have added the red line which indicate to the audience what part of this cover is important.

